Seo In Young reveals some images of her new album

 2012.08.16 13:00

Before her return to TV, singer Seo In Young has posted some images that reveal her colorful charm.

On August 20, Seo will release her new single “Anymore.” Nine months after she released her EP titled “Oh My Gosh” in November last year, she is finally coming out with new music. The upcoming single attracts more attention from her fans because it is her first single since she founded her own company, IY Company.

As if returning her fans’ support and love, she posted some pictures for her new single on August 16. In addition to her unique, funky charm, she showed an elegant, pure image, living up to her title as a leading fashionista.

One of her staff says, “We tried to manifest her charm in the album along with a diamond symbol to represent eternity. Whenever she has come out with a new song, she has attracted attention with her distinctive fashion, music, and performance. It will be the same routine this time; she’ll try a shocking look.”