Actress Shin Se Kyung admits that she looks older than actress Moon Keun Young

 2012.08.16 17:00

Actress Shin Se Kyung recently admitted that she looks older than actress Moon Keun Young.

On the episode of KBS2’s Happy Together that aired on August 16, Shin talked about her friendship with Moon, saying “I’m only three years older than Moon, but I know I look a lot older than her.”

In response, emcee Yoo quipped, “Shin, we all agree that you’re a bombshell; still, you’re right about your looks in comparison with Moon’s.”

Shin also stated, “We became close while appearing in a movie as characters of the same age. We don’t meet very often, but we talk quite a lot over the phone and send text-messages. We share opinions about each other’s acting and give advice.”

The actress added, “My parents and Moon’s are close, and even her grandma cares for me.”