ZE:A members taking a nap before performing in Music Bank

 2012.08.17 13:00

The boy group ZE:A’s Kwang Hee posted some pictures in which he is taking a nap with Siwan and Hyung Shik.

On August 17, the “idol” tweeted some pictures with the comment “Waiting for a live performance on Music Bank. We were captured passed out in the greenroom.”

As he has mentioned, Kwang Hee is sleeping peacefully, fully dressed for the performance with two other members in a messy greenroom.

Lying in the center, Hyung Shik especially drew attention and inspired laughter because he seems to be making a particular gesture with his hands.

Netizens who saw the posting commented: “I feel sorry for them.” “What’s up with his hands?” “Are they sleeping for real?”

In the meantime, Kwang Hee is to appear as a virtually married couple with Secret’s Han Seon Hwa in MBC’s We Got Married starting on August 18.