Super Junior, Big Bang, and Secret rank in the top ten of the Oricon Chart

 2012.08.23 02:00

Many K-pop singers recently ranked in the top ten of the Oricon Chart.

According to the Oricon Chart issued on August 21, Super Junior, Boyfriend, 4Minute, Big Bang, and Secret ranked in the top ten of the Oricon Daily Single, Daily Album, and DVD charts.

Super Junior ranked second on the Oricon Daily Single Chart with “Sexy, Free & Single.” They have held a concert in Japan once but never done any promotions on TV.

Boyfriend, who just debuted early this year with a large-scale showcase, ranked fourth on the Oricon Daily Single Chart with “Be My Shine.” It’s a great achievement for a new singing group.

4Minute ranked 18th on the Oricon Daily Single Chart with their new single, “Love Tension,” composed by the hit song maker Kim Do Hoon.

Secret ranked in the top ten of the Oricon Daily Album Chart. They ranked sixth on the chart with their new album, Welcome to Secret Time.

Big Bang ranked in the top ten of the Oricon DVD Chart. They topped the chart with a collection DVD of their new EP, “Alive.” Currently on a world tour, Big Bang will release a new song in Japan in two years on September 19.

Several K-pop singers proved their popularity in Japan by ranking in the top ten of the Oricon Chart.