SNSD’s Sunny vs. Han Hye Jin vs. Soy in the same sweater

 2013.01.25 10:00

Raspberry Field, also known as Soy, SNSD’s Sunny, and actress Han Hye Jin recently wore the same sweater and drew a lot of attention.

According to Soy’s agency, Macaroon Company, on January 25, pictures were uploaded on an online community with the caption, “Soy, Sunny, and Han Hye Jin wear the same sweater.”

In the pictures, even though the three stars are wearing the same sweater, they are showing off individual appeals.

People who saw the pictures responded: “Even though those are the same sweater, they look different.” “They all are cute and pretty so they look good in any clothes.” “All three of them look prettier than ever.”

Soy released her EP Sweet & Bitter on January 18.