JYJ chosen as honorary ambassadors for the 2014 Incheon Asian Games

 2013.02.20 07:00

JYJ’s Kim Jae Joong recently talked about how he feels about being an honorary ambassador for a state function. On February 20, JYJ attended an appointment ceremony held at Lotte Hotel in Seoul for the 2014 Incheon Asian Games. At the ceremony, Kim said, “I think we should satisfy and enrich the public with music. We are honored and thankful to have this great chance to promote the event to the public. Since we perform abroad a lot, we can promote Korean culture, and I think that makes us grow.” Kim added that he enjoys watching table tennis and badminton during the Asian Games.

Kim also talked about how he feels about being an honorary ambassador, “We’re honored to join this important historical event. We’ll do our best to promote K-pop and the event.”

JYJ is recognized as a powerful Hallyu group and has earned a reputation for its work with official state functions. The group will also attend the 18th Inaugural Ceremony, which will be held on February 25. The group was an honorary ambassador for the 2012 Nuclear Security Summit, Korea Brand & Entertainment Expo, and the Seven New Wonders of Nature in Jeju.

JYJ will participate in making music videos and songs for the Asian Games and will also join the Road Show, which will be held in October and November in Vietnam and China.