JYJ member Kim Jaejoong to start his Asia Tour in November

 2013.10.01 06:00

JYJ member Kim Jaejoong is set to start a tour of Asia after his first solo album is released. Starting in Seoul at Coex Mall, in Samseong-dong, on November 2 and 3, Jaejoong is planning on heading around Korea before hitting many other Asian countries and cities.


His agency said that the album is about half done and features songs by various other artists as well as songs written by Jaejoong himself. It will probably be released by the end of October.


Since the album includes a variety of rock numbers, this Asia Tour will be like a rock festival.


Jaejoong released his first solo EP in January, and the song “One Kiss” took the top spot on the iTunes charts in nine countries, including Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan. It also ranked first on the daily, real-time, and weekly Hanter Charts five days after the EP was released.