‘Lee Hyori Forest’ at the Children’s Park, to celebrate her 35th Birthday

 2014.05.10 03:15

On the 10th Lee Hyori’s fan club ‘Hyori Together’ decided to build a ‘Lee Hyori Forest’ at the Children’s Park in Seoul to celebrate her 35th Birthday.

Fans started this forest project since January till May 10th through the homepages and saved up to 10,079,510won. 141 fans participated in this project and around 400-500 trees were planted.

The ‘Lee Hyori Forest’ will open starting the 10th on her 35th Birthday.

In 2011 they tried to build the forest in Yoomyunsan but the project failed due to the landslide.

One of the project crew told StarNews that Woomyunsan wasn’t right for the forest and since Lee Hyori is known for her love towards dogs they selected another place where she can take a walk with her dogs anytime.

In 2012 to celebrate the 20th anniversaries of Seo Taeji his fans also built a forest. Other KPop Stars fans such as 2NE1, Shinhwa, SNSD, Roy Kim and others also started a forest project.

Meanwhile, Hyori married the guitarist Lee Sangsoon last year in September and is enjoying her marriage life in Jeju Island.