“Yuk Ji-Dam” Forgets Her Lyrics Mid Performance on [Show Me the Money 3]

 2014.08.04 01:33



“Yuk Ji-Dam” from “Show Me the Money 3″ messed up her performance after she forgot her lyrics.


An episode from “Show Me the Money 3″ from the cable channel “Mnet”, which was aired on July 31th, depicted contestants participating in their solo performance missions.


“Yuk Ji-Dam”, who was the second to appear on the stage, said that although she had been overlooked for her young age, she would prove her skills with this performance.


During the performance, however, “Yuk Ji-Dam” forgot her lyrics, stopping in the midway of her performance.


To redeem her mistake, Yuk tried to rap without the MR, but she had to step down, not even completing two sentences.


In response to her performance, “Masta Wu” said “This stage will never be set up for her again”, and “Tablo” said “If this happens again, I’ll step onto the stage and do the rap instead.”



By intern Jeon Jae-Hoon