Writer of [My Brilliant Life] Praises Stars, “Innocent ‘Kang Dong Won’, Energetic ‘Song Hye Kyo’”

 2014.08.07 22:55


(Actress ‘Song Hye Kyo’ and Actor ‘Kang Dong Won’ / Photo: Stillshot from [My Brilliant Life])


Writer ‘Kim Ae Ran’ expressed her expectation on ‘Kang Dong Won’ and ‘Song Hye Kyo’, the main cast members of [My Brilliant Life]. [My Brilliant Life] is a movie based on ‘Kim Ae Ran’s novel.


The writer expressed her expectation on the movie and its cast via CJ E&M on 7th.


[My Brilliant Life] is a movie about parents who had their son at age 17 and their son who is about to turn 17 while suffering from progeria. The movie is based on writer ‘Kim Ae Ran’s novel of the same title.


‘Kim Ae Ran’ said, “the first thing that came across my mind after hearing about turning my novel into a movie was that ‘now my characters are physical entities.’”


She also added, “having to exist as physical entities itself was, I think, a gift to the three characters who have never enjoyed their youth. I wonder how it would be like for my characters to fall in love and live their lives again through the bodies of the actors.”


Reporter: Ahn E Seul Translator: Kim Sin Woo