Former Miss Korea ‘Kim Yoo-mi’ Cast In Korean Version of [Nodame Cantabile]

 2014.08.08 02:31

‘Kim Yoo-mi’ , who was crowned 2012 Miss Korea, will be making her debut as an actress on the August 10th episode of KBS 2TV’s Mon/Tues drama [Nodame Cantabile. Kor Version].

On August 8th, ‘Kim Yoo-mi’s agency ‘Star Haus Entertainment’ stated that she was cast in a role that will put her in a lot of scenes with the main character.

Little is known on the specifics of her role, but it has been rumored that ‘Kim Yoo-mi’s character will be a student studying singing and fall in love with the main character, played by ‘Joo Won’.

It seems as her character might be of minor role used to create side tension in addition to the main plot.

By Moon Wan-Sik