'15th week of pregnancy' Rain♥Kim Taehee "Share this delightful news to our fans first.. Thanks for all the support"

장준희 2017.06.08 17:56
Kim Taehee and Rain/photo offered = Lua Entertainment

'Top star couple' singer Rain (35, Jung Jihoon) and actress Kim Taehee(37) become parents. 

According to Kim Taehee's agent, Lua Entertainment, Kim Taehee is now 15 week pregnant.  

Lua Entertainment states, "Kim Taehee is now 15 week pregnant and she needs to be extra careful. However, she thought it is her duty to announce this delightful news to her fans rather than keep it in secret and be revealed later by visiting hospitals".

Lua Entertainment says, "Kim Taehee will be concentrating on prenatal education, and will plan to become a wife of one family, and a mother of her child". In addition, Kim Taehee says, "Once again, I would like to thank people whom give warm attention with all my heart".
Rain and Taehee have officially dated for 5 years and finally were married at Seoul gahee Church on January 19, 2017. They registered marriage on January 31, 2017.

On the other hand, early this month, Rain successfully finished his fan-meeting tour in Japan for celebration of 15th anniversary of his debut. In addition, he will come back to screen in 5 years through a movie called 'Um Bokdong, the king of bicycle'. Kim Taehee will focus on prenatal education.  

Journalist= Kim Sujin
Translator= Chang Joonhee