April's Comeback D-3 preview... reproduce 1970s' atmosphere 'Lovely'

장준희 2017.06.08 17:57
/photo source = DSP Media

K-pop girl group APRIL (Chaekyung, Chaewon, Naeun, Yena, Rachel and Jinsol) have released its Music video preview of 2nd single album 'Monday'.

On May 26, APRIL revealed their preview of 'Mayday' on YouTube. A modern girl in this video which is based on 1970s makes it more dramatic.  

Members of APRIL show their charm by acting as a movie actor, a DJ from music hall, a designer of boutique, a high school student, Okhee from literature 'Mama and the Boarder', and a fashion pioneer wearing mini skirt.

In addition to April's unusual transformation, they add more freshness with energetic melody and popping lyrics.

'Mayday' is a metaphor that means the emergency situation right before falling in love. 'Mayday' has added freshness by
 using catcy melody and waggish lyrics. April, so called pure idol, have showed their lovely performance as well. 

April will release their 'Mayday' record and music video on this coming May 29, 6pm. 

Journalist = Sangguen Yoon
Translator = Joonhee Chang