'Legendary Sting' Is Finally Here.. Charismatic Smile

장준희 2017.06.08 17:58

/photo source = Hyundai Card
A worldwide singer and a songwriter Sting came to Korea.

Hyundai Card uploaded a photo of Sting entering Korea through official Facebook before holding a Sting's performance 'Hyundai Card Curated Sting' at Seoul Itaewon Hyundai card Understage on this coming May 31. Hyundai Card added " D-2, Sting has entered. He arrived Korea with charismatic smile! Two more days to go for his performance".

This performance is a part of his world tour to celebrate his released full length album '57TH & 9TH'. Many people are looking forward to attend this event since there are many talented musicians like a gitarist and a drummer who have been working with Sting for a long time. This performance will be held in a little theater where can only take 400 audiences, not like the huge concerts that he always had before.    

Sting is a British musician who is famous for lyrical melody and philosophical lyrics. He has a record of selling more than one hundred million of his albums, and won 16 awards in Grammy
and 25 awards in American Music Awards. 

Sting debuted as a main vocal and as a bassist of a band The Police in 1977. He turned as a solo with an album 'The Dream of the Blue Turles' in 1985. His song 'Shape of My Heart' in an album 'Ten Summoner's Tales', which was released in 1993 was loved in Korea as well. This song was an original sound track of a movie 'Loen'.

Journalist = Sangguen Yoon
Translator = Joonhee Chang