Along With Gods, Exceeds 5 Million Viewers!

이소연 2017.12.27 14:18

South Korean fantasy action blockbuster "Along With Gods: The Two Worlds" brought 5 million audience in 7 days.

As of 26th 3:15 PM, according to the integrated network of tickets of the Korean Film Council movie 'Along With Gods' exceeded 5 million viewers. 

The actors have celebrated the breakthrough of 5 million people by unveiling the cake with the words "You are precious people" on this day, together with director Kim Yong Hwa and Cha Tae Hyun Lee Jung Jae, Ha Jung Woo, and Joo Ji Hoon.

Since its opening, the movie "With the Gods" has recorded a record of 1 million on the 3rd day, 2 million on the 4th day, 3 million on the 5th day, and 4 million on the 6th day. If the current pace is maintained,  it is expected to break the breakeven point of 1. 6 million people in this week. It is also possible to exceed 10 million record if includes new year's holiday season. 

Written by Jeon Hyeong Hwa

Translated by Lee So Yun