SNSD’s Jessica: “I have lots of things to do in the group”

 2012.06.22 07:00

SNSD’s Jessica recently talked about her individual schedule and her group schedules.

Jessica gave an interviewed to the July edition of fashion magazine @Star1 and said, “I still have lots of things to do as a member of SNSD.”

Jessica, who appeared on KBS’s series Wild Romance as an actress, talked about other members appearing on TV dramas. She said, “I’m very proud of them and I wish them every success on their acting career.”


Jessica said, “I’m keeping busy doing my individual schedule but I’ve never forgotten SNSD. As one of the 9 members, I still have many things to do as a member of SNSD.”

Jessica smiled and said, “I like ice cream and red bean ice flakes so much that I even eat it during the winter. I think I will probably eat those a lot this summer too.”

She added, “In fact, I’m scared of summer. I don’t know how am I going to stand this summer. I should eat ice cream and red bean ice flakes in a cool place.”

Yuri, Jessica, Sooyoung, and Seohyun showed off their great fashion sense through a pictorial for the July issue of @Star1.