Skull and Haha perform with Hyung Dong and Dae Jun on Music Core

 2012.08.04 13:00

Hyung Don and Dae Jun supported Skull and Haha’s first performance on Music Core.

In the episode of MBC TV’s Show! Music Core that aired on August 4, Skull and Haha performed their new song “Vacation in Busan” and Hyung Don and Dae Jun (Jung Hyung Don and Defcon) made a surprise guest appearance.

When Skull and Haha performed, Jung and Defcon waited in the back of the stage with rubber tubes around their waists and made a surprising appearance at the end of the performance. With Haha, Skull, and Double Side Kick, who was featured in the song, they created a cheerful performance. The rubber tubes that seemed to be too tight for their bodies got a lot of laughs.

Skull and Haha, who once appeared on MBC TV’s variety show Infinite Challenge – I am also a Singer, recently released an EP, named “Ya Man!”