f(x)’s Krystal and Victoria turn into bad girls

 2013.01.07 08:30

f(x)’s Krystal recently took a picture together while dressed up in bad girl outfits.

On January 7, Victoria posted a picture on her me2day account with the short caption, “Bad girls in the 80s.”

In the picture, Victoria is posing with Krystal, for the camera, like bad girls. Both of them put their hair into pigtails, which drew a lot of attention.

After Victoria released the picture, Krystal made many people laugh by commenting, “Sister Vic. I didn’t exist in the 80s.” Krystal, who was born in 1994, teased Victoria, who was born in 1987.

People who saw the picture responded: “They both are so cute.” “Victoria has a baby face.” “They don’t look like they have age gap.”