‘BEAST’ Thanks ‘GOD’ For Being Great Role Models

 2014.07.11 05:17

BEAST/ Photo provided by CUBE Entertainment


Popular idol group ‘BEAST’ showed their admiration their seniors ‘god’ after their 9 year time gap ending comeback.


During the interview with Star News recently, ‘BEAST’ revealed about ‘god’s comeback by saying “We think they are being a great role model to junior idols right now. We are truly happy for their comeback in the position of us being their cheerful fans.”


‘god’ , who enjoyed their prime time in early 2000s, released their official 8th album [Chapter 8] in July 8th and finally came back to music industry after 9 years.


With already released song [The Lone Duckling] and [Sky Blue Promise] in first half period this year, they successfully topped the Korean music chart. Additionally, with their new album title song [The Story of Our Lives], they dominated the chart once again to indicate their remaining popularity.


‘Yang Yo-sub’ after seeing this told “I always pondered about ‘Until when can we do music?’ ‘Can we stand on the stage once more?’But as I saw god reuniting to release album successfully, I personally got great comfort for my pondering. Recently I am very happy for senior groups like god, Fly to the Sky, and ‘Shinhwa’ coming back with their music that I heard numerously in childhood.”


Also, ‘Yong Joon-hyung’ added on ‘Yang Yo-sub’ “To junior idols like us, I think they are giving us answers in person, saying like ‘Do it like this, it will work out.’ They really are a fantastic role model.”


Meanwhile ‘BEAST’ came back to their activities after a year with mini 6th album [Good Luck] in June 16th. Like the album title, the title song was [Good Luck] and hot reaction directly happened as they were placed in number one spot of various music charts and music programs.



