‘Jang Woo Hyuk’‘Yu Min’ Dating Rumors Prove True?

 2014.07.11 02:53

‘Jang Woo Hyuk’ and ‘Yu Min’ / Source = Money Today Star News


Singer ‘Jang Woo Hyuk’ and Japanese actress ‘Yu Min’ are in the spot light due to a rumor stating that they are going out.


‘Yu Min’ ‘s friends said that they have been going out for quite a while now.


Also, On July 10th, one of ‘Yu Min’s acquaintances has stated that ‘Yu Min’ always had a good time with ‘Jang Woo Hyuk’ whenever she came to Korea. Another said that they have been dating in Japan and in Korea for a long time.


The rumor about them being a couple has been circling around since 2006. Also, there was a rumor that ‘Yu Min’s fancy car in Korea is actually ‘Jang Woo Hyuk’s.


Regarding this, ‘Jang Woo Hyuk’s agency is saying that they are not sure so they have to confirm the details.


‘Jang Woo Hyuk’ is currently on MBC Pilot entertainment show [Off Road] so it takes time for the agency to settle the matter.


‘Yu Min’ does not work for a Korean agency and is now staying in Japan.




