‘Hyo-Yeon’ Boasts Slim Body Even After Fattening Meal

 2014.07.14 04:48

/Photo provided from Hyo-yeon’s instagram


Girl group Girls Generation’s Hyo-yeon released her current status photo of having slim body.


In july 10th, Hyo-yeon posted a photo and a writing in her instagram which said “This is when I took a pictorial before. Photo with Yuda oppa.”


Looking at the photo there is Hyo-yeon taking a gesture with tight black dress that emphasizes her slim waist line. She especially is gazing at the photo with clean, styled hair which is put up.


Previously Hyo-yeon posted a photo of her and Girls Generation member Yuri eating huge meal in Tokyo.


She posted the perfect body photo right after a day of eating huge calorie food like hamburgers and fried potatoes, which made many females envy her.






Reporter: Kim Min-jung (Intern) Translator: Yoon Pyung-hae Cheif Editor: Son Ji-ho