Jung Joon Young Leaves Current Programs

이소연 2019.03.12 17:22

While Jung Joon Young is in the middle of hot seat, regarding illegal hidden-camera footage of sexual activity in a group chatting room with other male celebrities, tvN released an official statement regarding the singer’s status on 'Salty Tour' today.

He is currently shooting tvN's '4 Wheeled Restaurant: Season 3' in LA. But as the the matters got worse, tvN released the statement saying that Jung Joon Young is returning to Korea after completing all of his scheduled filming for the show and Lee Min Ho will be filming the rest of the show in San Francisco. Because the producers fully understand the gravity of this matter, we have decided to completely edit out all of Jung Joon Young’s footage" 

The producers of “Salty Tour” too have taken into consideration the gravity of this matter, and they have decided  Jung Joon Young to be removed from “Salty Tour.” From now on, the show will air with all of Jung Joon Young’s footage edited out.

KBS's 'One Day and Two Nights' also decided to stop Jung participating in the show previously. 

Written by Moon Wan Sik

Translated by Lee So Yun